Online Liberated Women’s Workshop


INFINITE MIRACLES is excited to announce the launch of our LIBERATED WOMEN’S Workshops

What are Liberated Women’s Workshops?
A series of workshops to empower women to become their most authentic selves; to align to their soul purpose, unleash their power within and liberate themselves to live their best lives.

Launch of our first workshop:

Date: Saturday, 16 September 2023
Time: 11:00am – 14:00pm Online workshop- link to join provided upon booking
Cost of workshop: £40

For more information to book your place: visit www.infinitemiracleshealing,com or e-mail us on Tel: 07947765857 (Shila); 07757199661 (Debra)

This workshop is for you if:

  • You find yourself putting others’ needs before your own
  • Are fearful of expressing your truth in case it might upset others; sacrificing your own feelings to keep the peace
  • Want to step more into your power as a woman but unsure about using your power around dominant people and external influences.
  • Wishing you could live your true dreams and goals, but not feeling confident or trusting yourself enough to go for your dreams and goals.

During this first workshop, you will:

  • Learn how to connect to your core essence to tap into the power of your true being and become a radiant, magnetic rose.
  • Come together in a circle of sisterhood and solidarity to share experiences and connect with other like-minded souls, also on the journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment.
  • Begin the process of identifying your core wounds and your inner blocks to self-realization
  • Learn some powerful tools and techniques to free yourself from limiting beliefs.
  • Access your inner genius to identify and live your most authentic purpose in this life

This will be an interactive workshop led by Shila Jassal and Debra Gainey- two experienced healers and therapists who have many years experience of working with women from all walks of life, as well as dealing with women’s core wounds that can often hold them back from living their most authentic lives. Their innovative approach to working with women’s core wounds, and creating a powerful, healing container for them, has supported many women in moving with ease and grace towards their own inner healing and liberation process. If you are ready to reconnect with your soul’s essence and set yourself free, then this workshop is for you!

Places at this workshop are limited, so to avoid disappointment, please book early. The closing date for bookings for the September workshop is 17 September. We look forward to welcoming you and watching the miracles unfold. Infinite Miracles- become the miracle that you already are!



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